
Mrs Millar's Blog July 2024

Posted on 12th Jul 2024

July 2024

We have almost reached the end of another busy, but incredibly successful and productive year.

The school’s Ofsted inspection back in November 2023 seems a distant memory in many ways, but the pride we all feel in the glowing report and positive outcome remains. As always there are things we are working to improve as the education landscape never stays still for long.

A few weeks ago, we said goodbye to year 11 after they completed their final GCSE examinations. We are excited to find out their results and share them with them on Thursday 22nd August.

The year 10 Duke of Edinburgh group successfully completed their qualifier expedition in June and are now finalising the remaining sections of physical, skill and volunteering. Hopefully they will be presented them their Bronze Award early in the new term. A huge thank you to Mr Thomas for all the time and energy he puts into organising and training the students.

Year 10 go out on work experience next week and we wish them well. A huge thank you to Mrs Seeman and Mrs Atkinson for helping to get everyone organised. The opportunity to experience life in the workplace is important and the skills that students learn benefit them going forward into the future but also in school.

The new student Leadership Team led by Lily and Ruby are in place and are ready to hit the ground running in September. I look forward to working with them and the wider student leadership team on VOSH next year.

Last week we welcomed year 6 students for the day and met their parents and carers in the evening. We are excited for them to join us in September as they start their Stradbroke journey.

It was a busy time as last week also saw a successful Sports Day thanks to the organisation of Mr Knightley and Miss Rutherford. Waveney were the winning House this year, so well done to them!! We had several school records set, and it was so enjoyable to see the healthy competition and enthusiastic support the students gave each other. The staff were put to shame in the staff v student relay race coming in a distant third – more training will be needed before next year’s race!

Election day Stradbroke style was a huge success. Seeing the students engage with democracy in action was empowering. The variety of campaign strategies put some of the main political parties to shame and the hustings were well attended and received.

This week has seen year 7 undertake a combined maths and history trip to Norwich Castle and year 9 a combined English and science trip to the Globe Theatre and Science Museum in London. A huge thank you to all the staff who made these trips possible.

It was lovely to see our merit award winners and their families for our celebratory Tea Party on Wednesday afternoon. It was a wonderful way to recognise the hard work and achievement of our students. A huge thank you to Mrs Currie-Cathey and her team of year 10 food students who created all the incredible food.

Next week we have a year 7-9 careers day on Thursday which includes over 20 local employers coming into school to meet with students and our Enrichment Day on the last day of term where the wide range of activities on offer are going to ensure an enjoyable day for all.

We have some staff changes for September. We say goodbye to Mr Powers after 5 years at Stradbroke and wish him well in his new school and the new challenges he will face teaching A level next year in Norwich. We are delighted to have made a strong appointment to replace him with Mr Suria who will join us in September. Mr Gionis is stepping down as a teacher but is not leaving us as he will be the new Art and DT Technician to replace Mr Sigley who is leaving us to train as a teacher. We also temporarily say goodbye to Mrs Howard who is off on maternity leave. We have appointed an experienced teacher in Mrs Lowe to cover her Science teaching and Mr Thomas is replacing her as Head of House for Blyth. I am also delighted to have appointed both Miss Rutherford and Miss Street as Assistant Heads of House working across the three houses within the pastoral structure of the school.

The summer is a time for relaxing and recharging but please be mindful for this to happen safely. In hot weather the local streams and rivers can be inviting but danger can lurk just beneath the surface, so please take care. Suncream, a hat and staying hydrated are also essential to having fun safely. With very limited public transport, cycling on the local roads can become an essential means of meeting up with friends, but the roads also become busy with visitors who don’t know our area. I strongly encourage helmets to be worn and for students to be always be aware of their surroundings by not listening to music as they cycle.

Social media is also a popular way to pass in the time, but please take the time to check your child’s account. Make sure they are accessing appropriate material and are thoughtful and considerate in what they post. One persons’ idea of a joke or a laugh’ is often not how it is perceived by others.

We all deserve a good break over the summer, and whatever you are doing I wish you well. I look forward to seeing everyone again for the new school year on Thursday 5th September.



Written by Mrs Millar
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