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- Safeguarding
Our Designated Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead is: Mrs Karen Millar
Our Desiginated Teacher for Children in Care is Ms Steph Moss.
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are: Ms Steph Moss, Mr Russell Thomas, Mr Richard Knightley and Mrs Melissa Holstead-Hewitt
Our Safeguarding and PREVENT Trustee is: Mr Roger Margand
If you have any safeguarding concerns during the school day, please contact the DSL: Karen Millar via the school office on 01379 384387.
If your concern is not urgent or an emergency and arises out of term-time or outside of school hours, please contact Karen Millar via email, please note this may not be checked regularly (k.millar@shs.set.education) or on phone (07384810456). In an emergency contact Suffolk Police on 101 or Customer First on 0808 004005 or customer.first@suffolk.gov.uk.
Additional information about safeguarding can be found in the "Policies & OFSTED" section of the website.