
Mrs Millar's Blog July 2023

Posted on 18th Jul 2023

We have almost reached the end of another busy year, our first post covid without restrictions, testing or masks. I must admit to a great deal of relief that we seem to have moved passed this and returned to “normal”, though I feel life has changed in so many ways for us all.

A few weeks ago, we said goodbye to year 11 as they completed their examinations. We look forward to seeing them again on results day on Thursday 24th August when we will join them in celebrating their successes.

Year 10 are currently out on work experience, the first group to do so since 2019. A huge thank you to Mrs Seeman and Mrs Atkinson for helping to get everyone organised. In many ways, where students go on work experience is not the priority. Instead, it is about them seeing the world of work and the very different demands it places on them compared with school.

Our new student leadership team is in place for September. Elliot, Beth and Izzy have already started in their roles, and I look forward to hearing about their ideas and plans for next year when we return to school.

It was lovely to welcome year 6 into school a few weeks ago ahead of them starting in September. I was really proud of the way our current students helped and supported them throughout the day.

We have a number of staffing changes for the new school year. Mr Axtell, Mrs Gladwell and Mrs Spence are all retiring after many years’ service both to the school and education in general. We wish them a restful and enjoyable future. Mr Meeson also leaves us. He has gained promotion and we wish him well at his new school. Mrs Ball, the Art/DT technician, is also leaving us. She has been successful in her application to train to be an art teacher – good luck to her.

I am delighted to have appointed Dr Paige Panter in Science and Mrs Karen Currie-Cathey in Food Technology, along with Mr Tony Sigley as the new technician. We look forward to working with them in September.

Just a reminder that the cost of food in the dining room will increase from September. A meal deal will now cost £2.60.

Sportsday was unfortunately an afternoon wash out! Well done to all those who competed in the field events in the morning, particularly the three students who set school records. Unfortunately, the afternoon track events couldn’t take place. Fingers crossed the weather will be more favorable next year.

The rain has also impacted our staff/student doubles Wimbledon tournament. We are hopeful we will manage to get the final played before the end of term. A huge thank you to Mr Knightley for organising.

The summer will be busy for our IT technician as he installs new computers in the ICT suite, SSC and English 4. In addition, we have new screens and teacher computers to be installed in the classrooms which will really improve the students experience in lessons.

Message from FOSH:

AGM and Carnival
FOSH held its AGM last night and seven new committee members were voted in. We are looking forward to another successful year of fundraising for the school.

Our main fundraiser, the CARnival will be held on Saturday 16th September and we will need a lot of help from the school community to run it. Volunteers will be essential for the success of this event. If you can help, please email us your availability at

Second hand Uniform Shop
The year 7 Intake Night was a roaring success for the second hand uniform shop. We raised £400 for the school and sold out of stock.

As we are now at the end of term, we request that you purge your uniform at home and donate any unwanted items to the shop. Donations can be dropped off at the school office. The shop will also be open before the new school year starts on the 4th Sept at 11am and 5th Sept at 3pm.

Year 11 Prom Photos
Just a reminder to year 11s, USB sticks with your prom photographs will be ready for collection alongside your GCSE results on the 24th of August, from school.

Summer Holidays
We wish everyone a very good summer holiday. We hope you all have a chance to relax and recharge before the next school year. Thank you to everyone who has supported FOSH this year. We could not do it without you.

The summer is a time for relaxing and recharging but please be mindful for this to happen safely. In hot weather the local streams and rivers can be inviting but danger can lurk just beneath the surface, so please take care. Suncream, a hat and staying hydrated are also essential to having fun safely. With very limited public transport, cycling on the local roads can become an essential means of meeting up with friends, but the roads also become busy with visitors who don’t know our area. I strongly encourage helmets to be worn and for students to be always aware of their surroundings by not wearing headphones and listening to music as they cycle.

Social media is also a popular way to pass in the time, but please take the time to check your child’s account. Make sure they are accessing appropriate material and are thoughtful and considerate in what they post. One persons’ idea of a joke or a laugh is often not how it is perceived by others.

We all deserve a good break over the summer, and whatever you are doing I wish you well. I look forward to seeing everyone again for the new school year on Wednesday 6th September.


Written by Mrs Millar
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